JEM97 J. Exp. Med. 1997.186:1193-1200
Nitric oxide primes pancreatic beta cells for fas-mediated destruction in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

G. Stassi*, R. De Maria#, G. Trucco*, W. Rudert*, R. Testi#, A. Galluzzo^, C. Giordano^ and M. Trucco*

*Division of Immunogenetics, Department of Pediatrics, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Rangos Research Center, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA, #Department of Experimental Medicine and Biochemical Sciences, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", 00133 Rome, Italy, ^Laboratory of Immunology, Endocrinology Section, Institute of Clinica Medica, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy.

Corresponding authors: Roberto Testi, Carla Giordano, Massimo Trucco

Fas is an apoptosis-inducing surface receptor involved in controlling tissue homeostasis and function at multiple sites. Here we show that beta cells from the pancreata of newly diagnosed insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) patients express Fas and show extensive apoptosis among those cells located in proximity to Fas ligand-expressing T lymphocytes infiltrating the IDDM islets. Normal human pancreatic beta cells that do not constitutively express Fas, become strongly Fas positive after interleuken (IL)-1beta exposure, and are then susceptible to Fas-mediated apoptosis. NG-monomethyl-L-arginine, an inhibitor of nitric oxide (NO) synthase, prevents IL-1beta-induced Fas expression, whereas the NO donors sodium nitroprusside and nitric oxide releasing compound (NOC)-18, induce functional Fas expression in normal pancreatic beta cells. These findings suggest that NO-mediated upregulation of Fas contributes to pancreatic beta cell damage in IDDM.