
Università degli Studi di Roma 'Tor Vergata'



Prof. Arturo Carsetti

Pubblicazioni back

  1. "Semantica non standard e teoria della complessità". Atti del Convegno: Complexity in cooperative systems. Roma, 3-5 novembre1993;
  2. "Meanings and complexity: the role of non-standard models". La Nuova Critica 22 (1993);
  3. Senso, significato ed informazione nella prospettiva carnapiana, Rudolf Carnap, (1891-1970). Bologna 1994;
  4. "Chaos, order and cognition". Atti del Convegno: Models of cognition and complexity theory. Roma 17-18 novembre1995;
  5. "Natural order, cognitive order and self-organization processes". Atti conv. Konrad Lorenz. A the evolutionarytheoory of knowledge. La Nuova Critica 27 (1995);
  6. "The theory simulation models in the cognitive scienties". J. Goetschl (ed. by), Revolutionary changes in understanding man and society. Dortrecht-Boston 1995.
  7. Semantics of processes and biological sciences, Atti, Pisa 1998, pp. 103-110;
  8. Mental constructions and non-standard semantics, Atti, Roma, 1999, pp. 98-128;
  9. Functional models of cognition, Dordrecht 2000;
  10. The construction of reality, in Proc. Int. Colloquium on "Language and Cognition", Roma 2000;
  11. Semantic information theroy and the emergence of biological order, in "La nuova Critica" 36 (2000).

Prof. Gianna Gigliotti

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