
Università degli Studi di Roma 'Tor Vergata'

Medicina prenatale


Prof. Carlo Umberto Casciani

Pubblicazioni back

1. PERSANI G, VALERI M, BERSANI I, PIAZZA A, FIGA-TALAMANCA A, ADORNO D, CASIANI CU, CIANI N. Family history of schizophrenia and HLA antigens: a scarch for a genetic sublyping of dusease. New trends in Exp. Clin. Psychiatry, vol.VI (2), 132, 86-89, 1990;

2. GIUDICEANDREA F, CERVELLI V, ROSSETTI A, ADORNO D, POTENZA C, and CASCIANI CU. Experimental skin grafts in rats: surgical advances in full thickness dermo-epidermal grafts. Progress Reports, 4(2): 173-178, 199;

2. FILINGERI V, ROSATI R, GIACOMELLI R, FAMULARO G, IACONA A, CERVELLI V, DAVOLI E, TONIETTI E, CASCIANI CU. Drug interaction between cyclosporin A and nizatidine in sprangue-dawley rats. Drugs Exptl Clin. Res., XVI (9): 475-479, 1990;

2. FILINGERI V, ROSATI R, UTZERI G, DAVOLI F, GATTI A, CASCIANI CU. Experimental heart transplant. Progress Reports, 2(4), 1990;

2. POTENZA C, CERVELLI V, CRISTIANI R, GRIMALDI M, FIORE A, KAROSHITZ S, CASCIAMI CU. Our experience on amelanotic melanoma. Progress Reports, 3(3), 1991;

2. AUSIELLO C, SPAGNOLI G, SCONOCCHIA G, PISANI F, ADORNO D, CASCIANI CU. Low responsiveness to candida antigens in kidney trnsplant recipients. Microbiologica, 14: 325-332, 1991;

2. VALERI M, PIAZZA A, TORLONE N, POGGI E, ADORNO D, CASCIANI CU. Immunological monitoring in kidney transplantation. Transplantation Procedings, 23(4): 2275-2276, 1991;

2. PIAZZA A, TORLONE N, VALERI M, POGGI E, ADORNO D, CASCANI CU. Flow cytometry crossmatching in donors/recipients selection. Transplant Procedings, 23(5): 2681-2682, 1991;

2. DANIORE V, VALERI M, TORLONE N, PIAZZA A, CERVELLI V, GATTI A, FAMULARI A, CASCIANI CU. Flow cytometry analysis of maternal anti-partner antibodiesin recurrent portion. Progress Reports 3(1): 29-32, 1991;

2. FILINGERI V, ROSATI R, BARLETTA N, ANSELMO A, VENNARECCI G, CASCIANI CU. Role of microsurgery in the treatment of idiopathic varicocele. Progress Report 4(3): 87-92, 1992;

2. ELLI M, BARONI P, BOFFO V, TISONE G, VALERI M, UTZERI G, DE PAOLIS P, MANCA S, FAMULARI A, ADORNO D, CASCIANI CU. Renal transplant odissey. Transpl. Proc. 24(5), 1992;

2. FILINGERI V, ROSATI R, CORTESE F, BELARDI A, CASCIANI CU. Haemorrhoidectomya modified Parks' Technique. Progr. Reports 4: 49-54, 1992;

2. TOZZO C, MAZZARELLA V, ELLI M, DIPIETRANTONIO S, SPLENDIANI D, CASCIANI CU. Managment of hypertension in olderly patients on manteinance haemodialisis. Int. J. Art. org., 15: 527, 1992;

2. FILINGERI V, ROSATI R, SCONOCCHIA G, PISANI A, VENNARECCI G, ANSELMO A, PEPE N, BARLETTA N, GIUDICEANDREA F, CASCIANI CU. Synergism between cyclosoporine and gangliosides in antireject therapyian experimental model in vivo. Progr. Rep. 5(1): 45-49, 1993;

2. AUSIELLO CM, GRANA G, URBANI F, SPAGNOLI GC, COCOCETTA N, CASCIANI CU. Inhibitory effects of gangliosides and cyclosporine on lymphocyte activation: analysis of cytokine gene mRNA transcripts. Transpl. Proc. 25: 9915- 916, 1993;

2. TORLONE N, POGGI F, VALERI M, PIAZZA A, MACCARONE D, MONACO PI, PIANCATELLI D, CANOSSI A, ADORNO D, CASCIANI CU. Expression of integrin adhesion molecules on colon cabcer cells. Eur. J. Cancer, 1993;

2. PIAZZA A, TORLONE N, VALERI M, POGGI F, MONACO PI, PROVENZANI L, ADORNO D, CASCIANI CU. Antidonor-HLA antibodies and soluble HLA antigens after kidney transplant. Transpl. Proc., 1993;

2. TORLONE N, PIAZZA A, VALERI M, POGGI F, PROVENZANI L, MONACO PI, ADORNO D, CASCIANI CU. Monitoring after transplantation of antidonor-HLA antibodies in liver and kidney transplant recipients. Transpl. Proc., 1993;

2. MELONI C, MOROSETTI M, MESCHINI L, CIANCULLI, MOROSETTI P, TACCONE-GALLUCCI M, CASCIANI CU. Isolated ultrafiltration in refractory heart failure on patients with Cooley's anemia. Art cells, blood Subs., and Immob. Biotech., 1994;

2. MOROSETTI M, MELONI C, CERVELLI G, GIUDICEANDREA F, PALOMBO G, FELICIONI R, TACCONE-GALLUCCI M, CASCIANI CU. Uso delle protesi per ascesso vascolare in emodialisi: indicazioni attuali. La Nuova Stampa Medica Italiana, vol. 14, 1994;

2. CERVELLI G, GIUDICEANDREA F, CERVELLI V, MAGGIULI G, GRIMALDI M, PISTOLESE GR, CASCIANI CU. Alterazioni vascolari nel paziente uremico: considerazioni fisiopatologiche e problematiche chirurgiche. La Stampa medica europea. Vol 14, n.1, 1994;

2. PIANCATELLI D, PELLIGRINI P, BERGHELLA AM, DEL BEATO T, CALVISI G, CORI G, ADORNO D, CASCIANI CU. Detection of circulating ICAM-1 and soluble IL-2 receptor in serum of colorectal cancer patients. Int. J. Immunother, 1994;

2. MINEO TC, AMBROGI V, CRISTINO B, BIANCARI F, CASCIANI CU. Limited resection for bronchogenic carcinoma in high risk patients. Int. Congr. for Lung Cancer. Athens, June 22-26, 1994;

2. ELLI M, ORLACCHIO A, PISANI F, TISONE G, DE PAOLIS, P, UTZERI G, ALCIATI E, VENNARECCI G, PIERAGOSTINI E, SIMONETTI G, CASCIANI CU. Renal artery thrombosis in a Pediatric renal transplant. Transpl. Proc. Vol. XXVI, 1994.

Prof. Cralo Romanini

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