
Università degli Studi di Roma 'Tor Vergata'

Biologia Cellulare e Molecolare


Prof. Giovanni Cesareni

Pubblicazioni back

  1. Dente, L, Vetriani, V, Zucconi, A, Pelicci,G, Lanfrancone,L, Pelicci, PG and Cesareni G (1997) Modified phage peptide libraries as a tool to study specificity of phosphorylation and recognition of tyrosine containing peptides. J. Mol. Biol. 269, 694-703;
  2. Ausiello,G., Cesareni,G. and Helmer-Citterich,M. (1997) ESCHER: a new docking procedure applied to the reconstruction of protein tertiary structure. Proteins 28, 556-567;
  3. Salcini, E, Confalonieri, S, Doria, M, Santolini, E, Tassi, E, Minenkova, O, Cesareni, G, Pelicci, PG, Di Fiore PP (1997) Binding specificity and in vivo targets of the EH domain, a novel protein:protein interaction module. Genes & Development 11, 2239 2249;
  4. Lassalle, MW, Hinz, HJ, Wenzel, H, Vlassi, M, Kokkinidis, M, Cesareni, G (1998) Dimer to tetramer transformation: loop excision dramatically alters structure and stability of the Rop four alpha-helix bundle protein. J. Mol. Biol 279, 987-1000;
  5. Paoluzi, P, Castagnoli, L, Lauro, I, Salcini. AE, Coda, L, Frè, S, Confalonieri, S , Pelicci, PG, Di Fiore, PP, Cesareni, G (1998) Recognition specificity of individual EH domains of mammals and yeast. EMBO J 17, 6541-6550;
    6. Soucek, L, Helmer-Citterich, M, Sacco, A, Jucker, R, Cesareni, G, Nasi, S (1998) Design and properties of a Myc derivative that efficiently homodimerizes. Oncogene 17, 2463-2472;
  6. Yamabhai, M, Noah, G, Hoffman, NG, Hardison, NL, McPherson, PS, Castagnoli, L, Cesareni, G, Kay, B (1998) Intersectin, a novel adapter protein containing two EH and five SH3 domains, possibly involved in endocytosis. J Biol Chem 273, 31401-31407;
  7. de Rinaldis, M, Ausiello, G, Cesareni, G, Helmer-Citterich, M (1998) Three-dimensional profiles: a new tool to identify protein surface similarities J. Mol. Biol. 284, 1211-1221;
  8. Cesareni G, Castagnoli L, Cestra, G (1999). Phage displayed peptide libraries. Comb. Chem. & High Thr. Scr. 1-17;
    10. Vlassi M, Cesareni G, Kokkinidis M (1999) A correlation between the loss of hydrophobic core packing  interactions and protein stability.J Mol Biol 285, 817-827;
  9. 11. Glykos, NM, Cesareni, G, Kokkinidis M (1999) Protein plasticity to the extreme: changing the topology of a 4--helical bundle with a single amino acid substitution. Structure 7,:597-603;
  10. 12. Mongiovì, AM, Romano, P, Panni, S, Mendoza, M, Wong, TW, Musacchio, A, Cesareni, G, Di Fiore, PP (1999) A novel peptide:SH3 interaction. EMBO J 18, 5300-5309;
  11. Cestra, G, Castagnoli, L, Dente L, Minenkova, O, Petrelli, A, Migone, N, Hoffmüller, U, Schneider-Mergener, J, Cesareni, G (1999) The SH3 domains of endophilin and amphiphysin bind to the proline rich region of synaptojanin 1 at distinct sites that display an unconventional binding specificity. J Biol Chem 274, 32001-32007;
  12. Brannetti B, Via A, Cestra G, Cesareni G and Helmer Citterich M (2000) SH3-SPOT: an algorithm to predict preferred ligands to different members of the SH3 gene family. J. Mol Biol. 298, 313-328;
  13. Tommasi di Vignano A, Di Zenzo G, Sudol M, Cesareni G and Dente L. (2000) Contribution of the different modules in the utrophin carboxy-terminal region to the formation and regulation of the DAP complex. FEBS Letters 471, 229-234.
Prof. Giovanni Cesareni

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