
Universitą degli Studi di Roma 'Tor Vergata'

Ing. Economico-Gestionale


Prof. Agostino La Bella

Pubblicazioni back

  1. A. La Bella, L. Cricelli (1997): R&D, technology and economic growth. III CRENoS Growth, Conference on "Economic Growth and Change. A Comparative Analysis", Cagliari, June 19-21.
  2. D. Campisi, A. La Bella, P. Mancuso, A. Nastasi (1997): Firms R&D investments, innovation and market shares". In Bertuglia C. S., Lombardo S., Nijkamp P. (Eds), Innovative Behaviour in Space and Time. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg.
  3. La Bella (1998): Alternative approaches to modelling complex self-organizing systems. In Bertuglia C. S. Bianchi G., Mela A. (Eds), The City and Its Sciences, Physica-Verlag.
  4. C. Campi, A. La Bella (1998): Analysis of the interactions between regional R&D productivity and the investment strategies of multinational enterprises. Technological Forecasting and Social Sciences, 58.
  5. C. Campi, A. La Bella (1998): Optimal regulation policies in a competitive market under asymmetric information. Technological Forecasting and Social Sciences, to appear.
  6. C. Campi, C. A. D’Angelo, A. La Bella, (1999): Le opportunitą del cambiamento tecnologico, Guida Azzurra – HOEPLI - D’Anselmi Editore.


Prof. Agostino La Bella

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