
Università degli Studi di Roma 'Tor Vergata'

Informatica e Ingegneria dell'Automazione


Prof. Salvatore Nicosia

Pubblicazioni back

  1. Tracking control with distrurbance attenuation for robot manipulators, Int. J. Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, vol. 10, 1996 (in coll. con P. Tomei);
  2. Dynamic scheduling and Kanban allocation in manufacturing systems - Proc. 13th Triennial IFAC World Congress - vol. B, 79-84, San Francisco (Stati Uniti), luglio 1996 (in coll. con G. Liberatore e P. Valigi);
  3. Dynamic modelling of a two link flexible robot and experimental validation, in 1996 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, (Minneapolis, MI), April 22-28 1996 (in coll. con P. Valigi e L. Zaccarian);
  4. Dynamic control of manufacturing systems based on a novel state reconstruction algorithm - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Albuquerque, 1997 (in coll. con F. Martinelli e P. Valigi).
  5. Martinelli F., Nicosia S., Valigi P. (2000). Dynamic Control of a Class of Discrete-event Systems Using a State Reconstruction Algorithm. CONTROL AND CYBERNETICS. vol. 29, pp. 275-294.
  6. Capobianco A., Nicosia S. (1998). Controllo di robot mobili mediante il metodo del potenziale. AUTOMAZIONE E STRUMENTAZIONE. vol. 46, pp. 117-124.
  7. Nicosia S., P. Tomei. (1996). Tracking Control with Disturbance Attenuation for Robot Manipulators using only Link Position Measurements. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADAPTIVE CONTROL AND SIGNAL PROCESSING. vol. 10, pp. 443-449.
  8. Nicosia S., Tomei P. (1995).A Global Output Feedback Controller for Flexible Joint Robots. AUTOMATICA. vol. 31, pp. 1465-1470.
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