
Universitŕ degli Studi di Roma 'Tor Vergata'

Ing. Economico-Gestionale


Prof. Mario Raffa

Pubblicazioni back

  1. G. CAPALDO, E. ESPOSITO, C. LO STORTO, M. RAFFA, (Ed. by), Supply Management, ESI, Napoli 1998;
  2. M. RAFFA, G. ZOLLO, Economia del software, Napoli, ESI, 1998;
  3. E. ESPOSITO, M. RAFFA, "Customers/subcontractor relationship", in M.G. Colombo (Ed. by), The Changing Boundaries of the Firms, Routledge, London, 1998;
  4. M. RAFFA, G. ZOLLO, "Software as Product/service: Implications for the Organization and the Industrial Location", Proceedings of the 37th ERSA Congress Roma, 26-29 August, 1997;
  5. E. BELLINI, G. CAPALDO, M. RAFFA, G. ZOLLO, "Strategic Paths of Small Firms: a Competence-Based Approach to Academic Spin-Offs", IV International Conference on Competence-Based Management, Oslo, Norway, June 18-20, 1998;
  6. E. BELLINI, G. CAPALDO, M. RAFFA, G. ZOLLO, "Universities as Resources for Entrepreneurship in Less Developed Areas", Research at the Marketing/Entrepreneurship Interface. Proceedings of the University of Illinois at Chicago Symposium on Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Chicago, August 1-2, 1997;
  7. M. RAFFA, E. ESPOSITO, "Small Firms Inside a Supply Chain in a Period of Crisis", The Second Worldwide Research Symposium on Supply Chain Management, London 1-3 April, 1998;
  8. M. RAFFA, E. ESPOSITO, "The Trend of the Italian Subcontracting System", Proceedings of the 6th International IPSERA Conference, Ischia (Napoli), March 24-26, 1997;
  9. M. RAFFA, E. ESPOSITO, G. Bernard, "The evolution of the Organization of the Aircraft Production Pyramid", Proceedings of the 6th International IPSERA Conference, Ischia (Napoli), March 24-26, 1997;
  10. M. RAFFA, G. CAPALDO, "Family Business in Italy: a few reflections", ICSB Workshop Panel Session on ëEuropean Perspectives on family Businessesí, Stockholm, Sweden, 17-19 June, 1996.


Prof. Agostino La Bella

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