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2. M. Piacentini & V. Colizzi Tissue transglutaminase: apoptosis versus autoimmunity. Immunol. Today , (1999); 20:130-133

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4. M. L. Gougeoun, S. Boulier, V. Colizzi and F. Poccia. NKR-mediated control of gd T cell immunity to viruses. Microbes and Infection, (1999);1 219-226

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6. F. Poccia, L. Battistini, B. Cipriani, G. Mancino, F. Martini, M. L. Gougeon and V. Colizzi. Phosphoantigen-reactive Vg9Vd2 T Lymphocytes Suppress in vitro
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8. M. Fraziano, G. Cappelli, M. Santucci, F. Mariani, M. Amicosante, M. Casarini, S. Giosuè, A Bisetti and V. Colizzi. Expression of CCR5 Is Increased in Human
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9. G. Antonelli, E. Riva, F. Maggi, M. L.Vatteroni and E. Simeoni. Influence of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Genotype, HCV RNA Load, and Alanine Aminotransferase
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12. G. Antonelli, E. Simeoni, F. Bagnato, C. Pozzilli, O. Turriziani, R. Tesoro, P. Di Marco, C. Gasperini, C. Fieschi, F. Dianzani. Further study on the specificity and
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13. G. Borsellino, F. Poccia, R. Placido, D. Tramonti, G. Mancino, S. Lucchetti, S. Galgani, B. Bonetti, S. Bach, B. Cipriani, C. F. Brosnan and L. Battistini.
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14. B. Cipriani, G. Borsellino, F. Poccia, R. Placido, D. Tramonti, S. Bach, L. Battistini and C. F. Brosnan. Activation of C-C bchemokines in human paripheral blood
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15. Gougeon ML, Boullier S, Colizzi V, Poccia F. NKR-mediated control of gammadelta T-cell immunity to viruses. Microbes Infect. 1999 Mar;1(3):219-26.

16. Gougeon ML, Poccia F, Boullier S. Human gamma delta T lymphocytes in HIV disease: effector functions and control by natural killer cell receptors. Springer Semin Immunopathol. 2000;22(3):251-63.

17. Malkovsky M, Wallace M, Fournie JJ, Fisch P, Poccia F, Gougeon ML. Alternative cytotoxic effector mechanisms in infections with immunodeficiency viruses: gammadelta T lymphocytes and natural killer cells AIDS. 2000;14 Suppl 3:S175-86.

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19. Amendola A, Poccia F, Martini F, Gioia C, Galati V, Pierdominici M, Marziali M, Pandolfi F, Colizzi V, Piacentini M, Girardi E, D'offizi G. Decreased CD95 expression on naive T cells from HIV-infected persons undergoing highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART) and the influence of IL-2 low dose administration. Irhan Study Group. Clin Exp Immunol. 2000 May;120(2):324-32.

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21. Persichini T., Ascenzi P., Colizzi V., Fraziano M., Venturini G., Colasanti M. Molecular bases for the anti-HIV-1 effect of NO. Int J Mol Med (1999) 4: 365-368

22. Persichini T., Colasanti M., Fraziano M., Colizzi V., Ascenzi P., Lauro G.M. Nitric oxide inhibits HIV-1 replication in human astrocytoma cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun (1999) 254: 200-202

23. Santucci M., Amicosante M., Cicconi R., Montesano C., Casarini M., Giosuè S., Bisetti A., Colizzi V., Fraziano M. Mycobacterium tuberculosis induced apoptosis in monocytes/macrophages: early membrane modifications and intracellular mycobacterial survival. J. Infect. Dis. 2000; 181: 1506-9

24. Colasanti M., Persichini T. Nitric oxide: an inhibitor of NF-kappaB/Rel system in glial cells. Brain Res Bull . (2000) 52: 155-61.

25. Ciaramella A., Martino A., Cicconi R., Colizzi V., Fraziano M. Mycobacterial 19 kDA lipoprotein mediates Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv-induced apoptosis in monocytes/macrophages at early stages of infection. Cell Death and Differ., (in press)

26. Mariani F., Goletti D., Ciaramella A., Martino A., Colizzi V., Fraziano M. Macrophage response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis: relationships between activation and apoptosis. Curr. Mol. Med. (1n press)