
    Research Projects

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Research Projects


Title of the project: Study of the efficacy of natural products of african origin against human immunodeficiency virus and other parasites.
Host Institution: Department of Experimental Medicine University of Rome "Tor Vergata".
Scientific Coordinator:

Prof. C.F. Perno

Title of the project: Development of in vitro tests for the evaluation of HIV vaccines efficacy and preliminary studies on a candidate vaccine.
Host Institution: CIRBS, Paris
Scientific Coordinator: Dr. A.Beretta

C.Quillent, E.Oberlin, G. Gonzalez-Canali, P. Métais, L.Montagnier, J.L.Virelizier, F.Arenzana-Seisdedos and A.Beretta.
HIV-1 resistance phenotype conferred by combination of two separate inherited mutations of CCR5 gene. Lancet (1998); 14:18

Title of the project: Anti tumor and anti microbial activities of human monocytes
Host Institution: Department of Biology University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
Scientific Coordinator:

Prof. Marek Zembala

Research Projects


Title of the project: Role of CCR5, CCR2 and SDF-1 geene polymorphism in the natural history of HIV-1 infection in population of seroconverted subjects.
Host Institution: Sacco Hospital, Institute for Tropical Medicine, University of Milan, Milan Italy
Scientific Coordinator:

Dr. C. Balotta

Title of the project: Immunotherapy with non-peptidic antigens in SIV-infected macaques
Host Institution: International Centre for AIDS and Emerging & Re-emerging Infections (ICAERI), National Institute for Infection Diseases Lazzaro Spallanzani, Rome , Italy
Scientific Coordinator : Dr. F.Poccia

F. Poccia, L. Battistini, B. Cipriani, G. Mancino, F. Martini, M.L. Gougeon and V. Colizzi.
Phosphoantigen-reactive Vg9Vd2 T Lymphocytes Suppress in vitro Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Replication by Cell and Antiviral Factors Including CC-Chemochines
J. Inf. Dis. (1999); 180:858-61

F. Poccia, M. Malkovsky, A. Pollak, V. Colizzi, G. Sireci, A. Salerno and F. Dieli.

In vivo gd T cell priming to mycobacterial antigens by primary M.tuberculosis infection and exposure to nonpeptidic ligands.
Molecular Medicine (1999); 5: 471-476

Title of the project: Cellular factors involved in the induction of resistance to antiretroviral treatment of HIV-1 infections.
Host Institution: Institute of Virology, University of Rome La Sapienza, Rome, Italy
Scientific Coordinator: Dr. O.Turrizziani

O.Turriziani, P.Di Marco, F.Dianzani and G.Antonelli, May in the drug transporter P-glicoprotein affect the antiviral activity of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease inhibitors?
Antimicrob Agents Chemothe. 2000;44(2) 473-4

Title of the project: Characterisation of T-cell functions in HIV-associated lymphomagenesis.
Host Institution: CIRBS, Paris, France
Scientific Coordinator:

Dr. Dominique Blanc